Hello, I’m Rachel from Unbound Therapies. A bit about me…
I’ve long been interested in complementary therapies and have often leant on various forms of massage to get me through both injuries and stressful periods in life. I have (unfortunately!) been quite accident-prone as an adult and have sought the help of various physios and sports injury people over the years – all of whom proved their worth in my recoveries!
Having spent several years juggling the needs of a demanding job, commuting and a looking after children, I hit midlife feeling pretty exhausted and lacking in the time or energy to look after myself properly. The Covid pandemic forced me to take time out from the daily grind and, like lots of people during that uncertain period, I felt it was time to re-evaluate and make changes to my career.
I was drawn to learning more about how the body works; how we can learn to fix the aches and pains we all experience - often without the need for medical or pharmaceutical intervention - and ways in which we can reduce the negative impact of the day-to-day stresses many of us now experience as ’normal' life.
Looking for a comprehensive training programme led me to the renowned London School of Sports Massage and a Diploma (Level 5) in Soft Tissue Therapy - a course that teaches a range of effective massage-based techniques for muscular dysfunction and rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries, alongside a rigorous approach to learning related anatomy & physiology. I thoroughly enjoyed the course, loved learning again as a mature student and have found the process of helping people
out of pain and discomfort very rewarding.
To extend my learning I have recently embarked on a part-time degree in Osteopathy at the London School of Osteopathy, and I'm excited to bring this enhanced knowledge to my existing massage practice.
In any spare moments I love to practice yoga and I take much inspiration from yoga movement in my approach to rehabilitation. I’m also a member of Tri-Swim and enjoy the pleasures (though spring/summer only!!) of open-water
My goal with Unbound is simply to help people feel better so they can continue doing the things they want (and need) to do. Having experienced first-hand the discomfort and stresses that can emerge as a result of our busy working lives, I can appreciate the value of massage treatment that is both effective and relaxing. I strive always to balance the needs of restoring muscular function whilst paying attention to calming the nervous system.
Whether you are experiencing pain due to long periods seated at your desk, have a chronic condition affecting your mobility, need help recovering from a sprain, strain, injury - or you simply need some relaxing time-out - I look forward to working with you to restore well-being and get you where you want to be. Please get in touch 07920821252.
I am available for weekday and weekend appointments, and offer
Monday & Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:30pm.
Please contact me for further info and to book.
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